What 'ideas worth spreading' would you choose to apply to your life?

This page is the background to the story, links to outlines and relevant information about the project. It’s a great place to start to learn about My Year of TED, the project I did from 1 November 2011 and ended on 31 October 2012. You can also find links to my talk about this at TEDxHobart and if you are interested in the book that captures the blog posts from that time (to purchase or download for free) visit Do Share Inspire.

The Story

In September 2011, I created this project to apply some of the inspirational and insightful TED talks that I had been watching for years. Or, to use two of the talks, trying something new for 30 days Matt Cutts and immersing myself in a topic because changing your behaviour can change your mind A J Jacobs.

How I did it

Over the course of one year, I applied the advice, lessons, insights and concepts of TED talks into my life. The talks fell into a number of categories:

  • Concept talks - which informed the entire project.

  • Activity talks - which I did for 30 days and were often combined with other talks to create an informed activity.

  • Opportunity talks - where I was not guaranteed that something would occur that would allow me to use the lessons in the talk; for example, Aimee Mullins: The opportunity of adversity.

  • Project talks - which were a topic that could be applied as a discreet project and not something that would work as a 30 day activity.

The Nuts and Bolts

The idea was that I took the parts of the talks that a) I felt had the most resonance for me and my life and b) were able to actually be applied within a relatively short timeframe. Importantly, I am not saying what I took was the speaker's "message" but what resonated with me - as misinformed and misguided as it might be.

I planned to start a new Activity talk on the 1st and 15th of each month - this largely worked but I did make a few adjustments.

You can watch my TEDxHobart Talk about My Year of TED

The Activities

  • Two panels - first is woman waist down in black, second is same woman in pink and purple

    Activity 1 - 30 Days of fashion

    Based on Jessi Arrington's: Wearing Nothing New. An activity that seriously challenged the introverted aspects of my nature.

    Reflection: This was really great and I am keeping the changes in appearance and consumption method. 

  • First panel shows someone hiding behind a chair when receiving feedback from someone, second show them in the chair clearly feeling pride from the feedback

    Activity 2 - 30 days of thanks, praise and mindfulness

    Using aspects of three talks: Mark Bezos: a life lesson from a volunteer firefighter, Karen Armstrong: Let’s revive the Golden Rule and Laura Trice suggests we all say thank you. Through this I hoped to become better at giving, receiving and asking for praise/thanks.

    Reflection: This was a really positive activity and I will keep the main principles, but I need to put some more work into compassion.

  • First panel shows woman with finger in her ear while second has her cupping her hand to hear better

    Activity 3 - 30 days of better listening

    Using Julian Treasure's: 5 ways to listen better talk. With this activity I hoped to become a more conscious listener.

    Reflection: I found I was more conscious about listening and hearing during this activity. The big thing for me was the concept of soundscapes and that I can design and control mine, I will take this part further.

  • First panel shows someone sitting at a table in grey tones with second panel bright and colourful doing cheers with someone

    Activity 4 - 30 days living the 3 A's

    Using Neil Pasricha's: The 3 A's of awesome talk. I hoped to reconnect with the simple joy and beauty in the world and start to become more in tune with my authentic self.

    Reflection: Everyone should do this for 30 days. Focusing on being positive about everything, appreciating the simple things in the world and trying to be more authentic - how can you go wrong.

  • First panel is a sad steak and chips with the second a very comfortable stir fry

    Activity 5 - 30 days of an Asian diet

    Based around Dean Ornish on the world's killer diet talk. This was a more practical activity focused around seeing if a completely Asian diet, slightly more exercise and daily meditation improve my general health and well being.

    Reflection: Not sure that 30 days had any health impact, but I did feel a little healthier with the dietary changes and many concepts will remain. Not enough meditation and exercise though, something to keep focusing on.

  • First panel is a signpost with lots of options while the second panel just has Purpose on it

    Activity 6 - 30 days of drive

    Using two talks, Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action and Tony Robbins asks why we do what we do. This was another introverted activity for me to try to discover my Why, so I can understand what drives me and apply that into my life.

    Reflection: I have a draft purpose, belief and cause now that I am in the process of validating. This is a huge thing for me since this is a question that I have pondered for many years.

  • First panel shows an analog clock with the hands whirring around while the second has it very static

    Activity 7 - 30 days of slowing down

    Using the principles outlined in the talk Carl Honore praises slowness. This was an activity about being more meaningful in the way I spend my time and savouring the things I am doing, rather than rushing through everything and multi-tasking my life.

    Reflection: I think this was a well timed activity as it has helped me re-energise and recuperate from some of the more taxing internal analysis of the last few months.

  • First panel has a makeshift ladder with a desk, chairs and cabinet stacked up while panel two is a ladder

    Activity 8 - 30 days of simplicity

    Using the principles of simplicity, design and plain english outlined in Rory Sutherland: Sweat the small stuff, John Maeda on the simple life, Alan Siegel: Let's simplify legal jargon! and Sandra Fisher-Martins: The right to understand. This activity influenced my work and personal life.

    Reflection: The big thing was making sure that I put the simplicity filter on before starting things. Overall, I found that filter has made me more considered in my approach and has improved the work.

  • First image is a chicken with some of her chicks while in panel two she has turned into a head of lettuce

    Activity 9 - 30 days with less meat

    Based on the talk by Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian this will be 30 days where I did not consume meat, chicken or fish from Monday to Friday. A nice, practical activity that requires little thought, which was a nice change.

    Reflection: Really enjoyed this activity and will be keeping it in my life, at least Monday-Thursday.

  • Panel one is someone holding a puppy super tight with panel two showing them holding five puppies and being ecstatic

    Activity 10 - 30 days of more happiness

    Based on three talks: Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work; Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed; and Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index. This was about maintaining focus on a few exercises around positivity, gratitude, connection, meditation and exercise.

    Reflection: It's really hard to know if this brought about more happiness, given the  emotional circumstances in the last few weeks of the activity. Some things were positive, some were challenging, but as usual just focusing on connection and positivity always has a good impact.

  • Panel one is a close up of an eye with a tear coming from it while panel two zooms out and shows it is the makeup of a clown, not someone who is sad

    Activity 11 - 30 days of preconceptions

    Based on three talks: Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story;  Bill Strickland makes change with a slideshow; and Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different?. This was about challenging preconceptions and making sure I'm not guilty of judging by a single story.

    Reflection: This activity allowed me to become more aware of how much I catgeorise and judge people by stereotypes. I think this is something everyone should be more aware of, and Activity 13 will focus on that. Very challenging but very worthwhile.

  • Panel one is a text message and panel two is a handwritten letter

    Activity 12 - 30 days of letters

    Based on Lakshmi Pratury on letter-writing. A seemingly simple activity to connect with family and friends through the lost art of letter writing. Simple on theory - more difficult in practice.

    Reflection: This was a very challenging but extremely worthwhile activity. The power of the handwritten word should never be underestimated.

  • Single panel that has hands holding placards that say I am not just a...

    Activity 13 - 30 days of starting a movement

    Based on two talks: Derek Sivers: How to start a movement; and Seth Godin on the tribes we lead. This was about trying to start of a movement. I have chosen to start something called Challenge your preconceptions, to encourage everyone to be more aware of their preconceptions and stereotypes and to select one to learn more about. A week in, I realised I should add Susan Cain: The power of introverts as a talk for this activity, since I really had to embrace what limited extroverted traits I have.

    Reflection: This is one where you need to read the full post, too much about failure to put into one sentence.

  • Panel one is sheep in a paddock while panel two has one sheep standing up pointing in a direction and leading them

    Activity 14 - 30 days of leadership

    Mainly based on two talks: Barry Schwartz on our loss of wisdom and David Logan on tribal leadership. This was about trying to improve my leadership skills, which I thought would be good to coincide with starting a movement, but was mainly applied to my workplace.

    Reflection: This activity has made me more conscious of the leadership role I have and how I should be using that to improve things in my workplace. Also helped me understand a little more of my leadership style, which includes Susan Cain: The power of introverts.

  • Panel one shows a woman on the phone forgetting a name while panel two shows the same woman using a memory technique to remember the name

    Activity 15 - 30 days of remembering

    Based on two talks Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do and Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs memory. This was about learning memory techniques to improve my ability to remember names, shopping lists and other random information. More importantly though it is about becoming a person who remembers to remember.

    Reflection: Learning memory techniques was great, but I think the value of this was being more attentive to remembering in general.

  • Panel one shows a wall of tins of soup while panel two shows one tins that's called Pick Me

    Activity 16 - 30 days of choice

    Based on three talks: Alain de Botton: A kindler, gentler philosophy of success, Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice and Sheena Iyengar on the art of choosing. This was about better understanding what is important to help me improve my choices (and my feelings about them); limiting my choices to improve my satisfaction with the decision; and being more aware of how I make them.

    Reflection: I think we have far too much choice and too many options, which leads me to abdicate my decision making at times. But at least I understand what success looks like for me a little better.

  • Panel one shows someone very unhappy that the tower they built in Pisa is falling over while panel two shows a large crowd of tourists around the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Activity 17 - 30 days of being wrong

    Based on two talks by Kathryn Schulz - On being wrong and Don't regret, regret. This was about being more open to the concept of being wrong, finding a better way to think about being wrong and finding a way to live with my regrets a little more easily.

    Reflection: This was a really difficult activity that put me in quite a bad place. There's only so much time anyone should spend focusing on all of the times they are wrong and their regrets.

  • Image of superman holding a piece of kryptonite

    Activity 18 - 30 days of vulnerability

    Based on two talks from Brené Brown (The power of vulnerability & Listening to shame) and Eve Ensler: happiness in body and soul. This was about embracing vulnerability, having the courage to be more authentic, trying to reconnect with important people, showing myself more compassion and understanding my truth so I can more fully own it.

    Reflection: By focusing on self-compassion, being courageously authentic, trying to connect and understanding my truth I have taken a really big step closer to knowing myself a lot better and being a little kinder to that person.

  • Panel one shows the roots of a tree while panel two has a bird flying freely through the clouds

    Activity 19 - 30 days of time

    Mainly based on Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of time but also influenced by Joachim de Posada: Don't eat the marshmallow! This was about trying to alter my time perspective so I am less past-negative and more future oriented.

    Reflection: This was a wonderful activity to do after the negativity from activities 16 and 17. I really think that it has helped me reframe some aspects of my past, but there is still a way to go.

  • Single image of someone hugging and comforting someone else

    Activity 20 - 30 days of compassion

    Based on Karen Armstrong: Let's revive the Golden Rule, Chade-Meng Tan: Everyday compassion at Google and Daniel Goleman on Compassion this was a simple activity about trying to become a more compassionate person, and hopefully bringing some other people along on the journey.

    Reflection: I think that this is an area that I will always be able to improve upon, but I was generally pretty happy with the achievements from this activity.

  • Single image of a set of scales with Lego people - woman at work on one side and with her partner and dog on the other

    Activity 21 - 30 days of balance

    Based on Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work, this activity saw me try to pull together all of my learnings from the last eleven months to design my perfect day.

    Reflection: I have an outline for my achievable perfect day, most of it is not very surprising but there were a few things that I did make me stop and think. A great way to wrap the project up, I think.